Tag: playwriting

  • Announcing – Joan: The Musical!

    Announcing – Joan: The Musical!

    In September, my writer friend Hannah Doyle and I started brainstorming ideas for a play for the Brighton Fringe. After several months of work, it’s approaching reality, and will take the stage this May. Announcing Joan: The Musical! 72-year-old Joan has it all. A glittering past as a West End dancer, a chocolate-box maisonette in Seven…

  • The Collaborative Process of Making a Play

    This month, I’ll have a play performed at London’s Tower Theatre for the second time. It’s been a massively collaborative process to get it there! Last year, my short play The Pictures of Dora Gray was one of five chosen for the Writers’ Room showcase, featuring new writing from the Tower Theatre’s playwriting group. I’ve…

  • New Play and Chasing Harmony Book Tour

    Lots of good writing news lately. September was my book tour to celebrate Chasing Harmony’s one-year anniversary, following shortly after its ebook release. What a whirlwind! From August 28 to September 22, a variety of book blogs hosted guest posts, excerpts, gift card giveaways, and reviews for my YA novel. You can catch up with…

  • Oh, the Drama!

    These last couple months have been exciting ones for my short play, The Pictures of Dora Gray. I’ve seen it read by two different casts. And at the end of the month, I’ll see it performed at the Tower Theatre’s Writers’ Room showcase. In Oscar Wilde’s classic novel, The Pictures of Dorian Gray, a young…