Tag: publication
Excerpt from my Forthcoming Novelette “The Cliffman”
I’m delighted to announce the publication of my novelette “The Cliffman” in Hard for Hope to Flourish, a Midnight Bites collection of three chilling novellas from Crone Girls Press. The e-book comes out on March 11 and you can pre-order it now. If you like dark fairy tales, supernatural beings, and complicated sibling relationships, “The…
5 Questions to Ask Before Hiring an Editor
You’ve invested time, effort, and skill in a writing project that matters to you. You’ve taken your idea from inspiration to a complete draft, with all the hours that it’s entailed. Congratulations! Not everyone has the tenacity and productive habits to finish a project. It’s truly something to be proud of. As happy as you…
Ayurveda and the Enneagram: From Research to Publication
In 2014, Kacie Berghoef and I were learning about Ayurveda as a personal health practice, and we decided to present on this topic at two Enneagram conferences. Attendees at our first presentation were intrigued by our proposal that there might be connections between Enneagram type and Ayurvedic dosha, or psycho-physical constitution, and they invariably asked…
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